Born in 1996 from the desire to promote and make available to the European public Japanese animation series, at the time still unknown and reserved for insiders, DYBEX (formerly DYNAMIC VISIONS) quickly became one of the leaders in the field of Japanese animation publishing.
Several axioms inform DYBEX's editorial policy:
- provide quality programmes
- share an in-depth knowledge of the Japanese animation world
- ensure translation, adaptation and dubbing consistent with the proposed programs, without infantilisation
- offer a wide choice of genres, from the most popular to the most advanced
Over time, as Japanese animation became more and more popular around the world, DYBEX developed a catalogue of incomparable quality, complete and varied, combining several genres (adventure, comedy, science fiction,...) and several formats (TV series, TV movies, films,...).
Each programme has been carefully chosen for its objective characteristics such as the quality of the script, the fluidity of the animation and its success in the Japanese archipelago.
With titles such as Serial Experiments Lain or Cowboy Bebop, DYBEX has established itself directly on the market and has proven the richness and diversity of Japanese animation. Since then, DYBEX's catalogue has been enriched with the best animated series and films from Japan.
In addition to optical media publishing, DYBEX also provides its programmes to television channels and thus allows the popularization of Japanese animation. Canal +, Game One, Betv, DirectStar and more recently Netflix or Amazon Prime are just a few examples of the networks that DYBEX can use to find the program that will appeal to their viewers.